Biology Communication Workshop

for students and postdocs

Biology Communication Workshop: Engaging the world in the excitement of research

Sponsors: Canadian Society of Zoologists, Journal of Experimental Biology, The Company of Biologists

Organizers: Drs. Pat Wright, University of Guelph; Brittney Borowiec, University of Waterloo; Gary Anderson, University of Manitoba

Date: May 14th, 2023 (8:30 am – 5:30 pm)

Description: A full day workshop for early career researchers (MSc, PhD, PFDs) one day prior to the start of CSZ 2023 meeting at the University of Saskatoon. The aim is to enhance written and verbal communication skills to engage other researchers and the public in the excitement of biological research. Participants will work individually and in small groups to complete exercises and discussions on four communication themes (see below). This workshop, sponsored in part by Journal of Experimental Biology, is one of the events organized to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the journal.

Eligibility: Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who plan on attending the CSZ 2023 meeting are encouraged to apply. 

Selection Criteria: We have space for 25 participants (10 MSc, 10 PhD, 5 PDFs). We have committed to our sponsors to include a diverse group of early career researchers and we will make every effort to achieve this goal using applicant information provided. We will also ask participants to submit a short statement on why they are interested in attending, which may also be used to select participants if demand is high.

Travel: Arrive in Saskatoon on Saturday May 13th in order to be prepared for an early workshop start (8:30 am) on campus Sunday May 14th.
Accommodation: Participants will receive funds to offset the cost of an extra night of accommodation (Saturday May 13th).

Food: We will provide lunch and two coffee/tea/snack breaks on the day of the workshop.

Program and Facilitators: The program will focus on four themes. All participants will cycle through each of the themes in small groups.

1. Writing for a non-specialist audience: Participants will distill complex research into short written pieces in the form of biology news for the public. Facilitated by Dr. Brittney Borowiec, University of Waterloo; Dr. Allison McDonald, Wilfrid Laurier University.

2. Crafting the 30 second sound bite: Participants create short and engaging elevator pitches aimed at audiences with different levels of background. Facilitated by Dr. Sigal Balshine, McMaster University.

3. Promoting your research on social media: Participants will discover and discuss best practices for promoting their research on social media. Facilitated by Dr. Tamzin Blewett, University of Alberta; Dr. Giulia Rossi; University of Toronto.

4. Getting your research published: Participants will write winning cover letters to accompany research manuscripts to top journals. Facilitated by JEB Editors - Dr. Trish Schulte, University of British Columbia; Dr. Katie Gilmour, University of Ottawa; Dr. Pat Wright, University of Guelph.

Pre-workshop Assignment: Approximately one week prior to the workshop, participants will receive pre-workshop assignments for each theme. It is expected that participants complete these short assignments and be prepared to share and discuss their work.

Deadline for Application: February 28, 2023