WestCast 2022

WestCAST (Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching) is an annual education conference held by education faculties in western provinces. The conference features multiple keynote speakers and workshops that focus on topics related to education and teacher/student education. Our diverse audience includes education faculty, teacher education students and other essential members of education - including university administrators, superintendents, graduate students, and practicing teachers. 

The University of Saskatchewan, College of Education was the intended host for 2021 but elected to postpone the conference until 2022, with the hope of having it in person.  The College elected to proceed with a virtual conference due to complications created by the ongoing pandemic.

We are elated to have the Faculty of Education from the University of Regina join our planning group.  teacher candidates, faculty and staff from both institutions will collaborate on planning, providing conferences volunteers and sponsoring the event.  We hope that our prairie spirit and welcoming traditions provide a great experience for all conference attendees.


The 2022 theme is Wellness, which focuses on the balance between taking care of oneself and taking care of relationships - whether student/teacher or beyond.

Registration Open Deadline Feb 9th, 2022

Please continue to check back at this site as we fill in details around schedule, keynotes, special events and important information.

About Us

The College of Education was founded in 1925 and is located on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis at the University of Saskatchewan. We offer innovative undergraduate and graduate programming and believe that education reaches beyond the classroom to shape futures and impact lives. USask education students are trained to succeed through innovative programming and the increasingly practical nature of our programs that get teacher candidates into local schools early and often. We have education learning communities which ignite ideas, create connections and foster collaboration. 

At the College of Education, we embrace Indigenization and reconciliation, recognizing the diversity of values and perspectives of all peoples. We believe that the inclusion of Indigenous knowledge, and Indigenous worldview is a vital component to education in Canada and work to provide our students in all programs with the resources and opportunities to include Indigenous content in all subject areas.  Our Indian Teacher Education Program (ITEP) was established in 1972 and is a leader in education training that values and embeds the worldview of First Nations students into all programming. As well, we offer the Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Program (SUNTEP) in partnership with the Gabrielle Dumont Institute for students of Métis ancestry to deepen their knowledge and identity.

We champion curiosity based research, mental/physical health and the promotion of well-being. We look forward to seeing you at WestCAST 2021 to share experiences and knowledge around Wellness.